Let's convert the SVG path string [m114 112c0-74-6-80-79-80l0-32l285 0c94 0 150 22 188 62c36 37 54 87 54 148c0 116-98 177-213 181l0 2c163 27 178 134 178 181c0 52-24 95-61 123c-48 36-103 43-188 43l-243 0l0-32c73 0 79-6 79-80m179 72c105 0 149-56 149-136c0-104-69-156-174-156l-70 0l0 258c0 25 3 34 28 34m61-333c63 0 109-13 139-40c31-27 49-66 49-115c0-110-46-171-157-171l-83 0c-31 0-37 8-37 50l0 276z] into a point curve, such as what you'd draw in a graphics application, and then draw it as a Processing shape.
And because we can, let's then also have the point curve tell us what its SVG string would be. Bi-directionality is good!
Absolute SVG path (obtained from the point curve!):
What that path looks like, as real SVG object (this should be the same!)
And because the web is awesome, this is a dynamically generated full fledged SVG document, embedded on the page. Go ahead, save it to disk or open it in a new tab =)